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Migrate to Report Viewer v2.0 component

This section provides simple step-by-step instructions to update your existing Report Viewer application to our latest modern v2.0 scripts, styles and components.

  1. Open the \Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml page that contains Report Viewer and its scripts.

  2. Remove the following older scripts and CSS references in your _Layout.cshtml page.

    • bold.reports.all.min.css
    • ej2-base.min.js
    • ej2-data.min.js
    • ej2-pdf-export.min.js
    • ej2-svg-base.min.js
    • ej2-lineargauge.min.js
    • ej2-circulargauge.min.js
    • ej2-maps.min.js
    • ej.chart.min.js
    • bold.reports.common.min.js
    • bold.reports.widgets.min.js
  3. Add the following v2.0 scripts and CSS references in your _Layout.cshtml page.

