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The ReportDesigner version higher than 5.2.xx have the following list of internal and external dependencies to render the component.

The BoldReports.JavaScript contains reporting components scripts and style sheets. Install the BoldReports.JavaScript package, the scripts and styles required for Report Designer will be added to Scripts, Content folders in your application.


Internal dependencies

Name Details Local file path
bold.reports.common.min.js Common script for reporting widgets. ~/Scripts/bold-reports/v2.0/common/bold.reports.common.min.js
bold.reports.widgets.min.js Supports Syncfusion® widgets to render in HTML5 format and it contains the dependent Syncfusion® controls that is common for both report designer and viewer. ~/Scripts/bold-reports/v2.0/common/bold.reports.widgets.min.js Used to preview the reports in report designer. ~/Scripts/bold-reports/v2.0/ Used to render the Bold Report Designer widget. ~/Scripts/bold-reports/v2.0/

External dependencies

Name Details CDN link / Local file path
jQuery 1.7.1 and later versions Common jQuery script to render the Bold Reporting widgets
Codemirror Report Designer requires the code mirror scripts to edit the SQL queries and Visual Basic code functions with syntax highlighter.
  • codemirror.js
  • show-hint.js
  • sql-hint.js
  • sql.js
  • vb.js


Internal dependencies

Name Details Local file path It contains the styles and css references of Report Designer component. ~/Content/bold-reports/v2.0/[theme-name]/

Refer the following syntax:



Theme Name Format
Default-Theme ~/Content/bold-reports/v2.0/tailwind-light/

External dependencies

Name Details Local file path
Codemirror Report Designer requires the code mirror styles to edit the SQL queries and Visual Basic code functions with syntax highlighter.
  • codemirror.css
  • show-hint.css

Service side dependencies

Internal dependencies

Package Purpose
BoldReports.Web Builds the server-side implementations.

The above package will automatically install the below dependency packages.

Package Purpose
Syncfusion.DocIO.Base Exports the report to a Word.
Syncfusion.Pdf.Base Exports the report to a PDF.
Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base Exports the report to an Excel.
Syncfusion.Presentation.Base Exports the report to a PPT.

External dependencies

Package Purpose
Newtonsoft.Json Serializes and deserialize data for the Report Designer. It is a mandatory package for Report Designer, and the package version should be higher than 10.0.1 for NET Core 2.0 and others should be higher than 9.0.1.