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System Requirements

This topic describes the software and hardware requirements for setting up the development environment of Bold Reports® ASP.NET Core.

Framework & SDK

The below tool is required for Bold Reports® ASP.NET Core.

.NET 8.0 SDK / .NET 9.0 SDK

Hardware Environments

The following hardware environments are necessary for setting up the Bold Reports® ASP.NET Core:

  • 1 GHZ or faster, 32 bit or 64 bit processor.
  • 1 GB RAM for 32 bit or 2 GB RAM for 64 bit.

Integrated Development Environments

By using the following IDEs, you can develop the Bold Reports® ASP.NET Core Applications.

Browser Compatibility

  • IE 9+
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox 22+
  • Chrome 17+
  • Opera 12+
  • Safari 5+

See Also