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Parameter custom properties

This topic explains about the list of parameter custom properties that are supported to customize the reports preview in Report Viewer.

Show only distinct values in parameter

A parameter created with data set query values may contain duplicate values. The Report Viewer supports UniqueValueParameters custom property that helps show only unique values in the parameter drop-down while viewing the report, without creating new a data set. Refer to the below image for property setting option.

You can also provide the parameter names with comma (,) separator to set for multiple parameters.

Shows configuration of unique value parameter property in report parameter dialog

Preview the report and the unique values showed in the parameter drop down.

Preview of unique value parameter values in Report Viewer

Change the dropdown parameter pop up height value

The PopupHeight custom property specifies the height of the parameter combobox popup list in the report. By default, the PopupHeight value is 152px. You can set the PopupHeight property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of pop up height property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the pop up height showed in the parameter drop down.

Preview of pop up height in parameter values in Report Viewer

Change the dropdown parameter pop up width value

The PopupWidth custom property specifies the width of the parameter combobox popup list in the report. By default, the popup width sets based on the width of the component. You can set the PopupWidth property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of pop up width property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the pop up width showed in the parameter drop down.

Preview of pop up width in parameter values in Report Viewer

Set the minimum date range for the date report parameter

The MinDateTime custom property specifies the minimum date in the datetime parameter item. By default, the MinDateTime value is set as null. You can set the MinDateTime property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of minininum date property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the minimum date showed in the datetime parameter drop down.

Preview of minimum date in date parameter in Report Viewer

Set the maximum date range for date report parameter

The MaxDateTime custom property specifies the maximum date in the datetime parameter item. By default, the MaxDateTime value is set as null. You can set the MaxDateTime property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of maximum date property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the maximum date showed in the datetime parameter drop down.

Preview of maximum date in date parameter in Report Viewer

Hide the report parameter block

The HideParameterBlock custom property is used to hide the parameter block on report initial rendering. The property value should be boolean. By default, the HideParameterBlock value is false. You can set the HideParameterBlock property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of hide parameter block property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see the parameter block is hidden.

Preview of hide parameter block in Report Viewer

Set date and time format for parameter

The DateTimeFormat custom property defines the date time format to be displayed in the DateTimePicker popup. By default, the DateTimeFormat value is set as empty. You can set the DateTimeFormat property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of date time format property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see date time format in datetime parameter.

Preview of date time format in date parameter in Report Viewer

Change time display format for parameter

The TimeDisplayFormat custom property defines the time format to be displayed in the time dropdown inside the DateTimePicker popup. You must set the DateTimePickerType custom property as DateTime before setting the TimeDisplayFormat. By default, the TimeDisplayFormat value is set as empty. You can set the TimeDisplayFormat property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of time display format property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see time format in datetime parameter.

Preview of time format in date parameter in Report Viewer

Set time interval in datetime parameter

The TimeInterval custom property is used to set the interval between the two adjacent time values in DateTimePicker popup. You must set the DateTimePickerType custom property as DateTime before setting the TimeInterval. By default, the TimeInterval value is set as 30. You can set the TimeInterval property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of time interval property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see time interval in datetime parameter.

Preview of time interval in date parameter in Report Viewer

Enable filtering and searching in drop-down report parameter

Setting EnableFilterSearch custom property enables search and filtering option in dropdown parameter to easily find the values. The property value should be boolean. By default, the EnableFilterSearch value is false. You can set the EnableFilterSearch property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of enabling filter search property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see search filter in parameter.

Preview of enable search filter in parameter in Report Viewer

Change date report parameter to display date time picker

You can set DateTimePickerType custom property value as DateTime to change date parameter item to display DateTimePicker for value selection as shown the below. You can set the DateTimePickerType property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of datetime picker type property in custom property dialog

Before enabling date time picker type, the default value will be displayed as below..

Preview of default value of date time picker Report Viewer

Enable date time picker type and see the time in DateTimePicker as in below output.

Preview of date time picker type after setting as datetime in Report Viewer

Enable popup resize in drop-down report parameter

The EnablePopupResize custom property enables the popup resize option in drop-down parameter to adjust the size of the dropdown in EJ1. The property value should be a Boolean. By default, the EnablePopupResize value is false. You can set the EnablePopupResize property value, as shown below.

Shows configuration of enabling popup re-size property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and see the popup resize option in the parameter.

Preview of enable popup resize in parameter in Report Viewer

Customizing parameter block position

The custom property ParameterBlockPosition helps to customize the position of the parameter block in the classic view. It accepts the following values:

Right - Displays the parameter block on the right side of the report. Left - Displays the parameter block on the left side of the report. Top - Displays the parameter block at the top of the report. Bottom - Displays the parameter block at the bottom of the report.

Shows configuration of ParameterBlockPosition property in custom property dialog

Enable the ParameterBlockPosition and see the parameter position as shown in the output below.

Preview of ParameterBlockPosition as left in Report Viewer

Set specific parameter item width

The ItemWidth custom property specifies the width of the parameter item. By default, the item width value is set as 185px. You can increase or decrease the width of the parameter item as needed.

Shows configuration of Item Width property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and see the width of the parameter.

Preview of date time format in date parameter in Report Viewer

Change the first day of the week in the Calendar

The Calendar allows you to change the first day of the week using the WeekStartDay property. Generally, the days of the week are numbered from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).

By default, the first day of the week is determined by the culture settings.

Shows configuration of Week Start Day property in custom property dialog

Enable the WeekStartDay property to set your preferred start day, and see the calendar updated as shown below.

Preview of Week Start Day in Report Viewer

Set the mandatory parameter

The ShowRequiredFieldIndicator custom property is used to indicate a mandatory parameter that must have a non-blank value to be valid. The property’s value should be Boolean. By default, the ShowRequiredFieldIndicator value is false.

You can set the ShowRequiredFieldIndicator property value, as shown below.

Shows configuration of enabling required field property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and see the required field in parameter.

Preview of enable required field in parameter in Report Viewer

Enable scroller for parameter block

The EnableParameterBlockScroller custom property allows you to enable or disable the scroller for the parameter block. The property’s value should be Boolean. By default, the EnableParameterBlockScroller value is true.

You can set the EnableParameterBlockScroller property value, as shown below.

Shows configuration to enable parameter scroller property in custom property dialog

Before disabling the parameter scroller, the default value will be displayed as shown below.

Preview of default value of parameter scroller in Report Viewer

Disable the parameter scroller and see the output as shown below.

Preview of date time picker type after setting as datetime in Report Viewer

Date start view for date report parameter

The DateStartLevel custom property specifies the initial view of the datetime parameter item. By default, the DateStartLevel value is set as Month.

Year - Displays the months in a year Decade - Displays the years in a decade

You can set the DateStartLevel property value as shown below.

Shows configuration of DateStartLevel property in custom property dialog

By default, the DateStartLevel is set as Month as shown below.

Preview of default date start level in Report Viewer

Preview the report to see the DateStartLevel set to Decade in the datetime parameter.

Preview of date start level as decade in Report Viewer

Date depth view for date report parameter

The DateDepthLevel custom property sets the maximum level of the datetime parameter item, such as Month, Year, and Decade in the calendar. The depth view should be smaller than the start view to restrict its view navigation. By default, the DateDepthLevel value is set as Month.

You can set the DateDepthLevel property value as shown below.

Shows configuration of DateDepthLevel property in custom property dialog

Preview the report to see the DateDepthLevel set to Year in the datetime parameter.

Preview of date depth level as Year in Report Viewer