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Chart custom properties

This topic explains about the list of chart custom properties that are supported to render in the ASP.NET Core Report Viewer.

Disable legend item interaction

Set DisableLegendInteraction custom property value as true to stop the legend item interaction. The property value should be boolean. You can set the property value, as shown in the below. Shows configuration of disable legend interaction property in custom property dialog

Set maximum size for chart legend

The LegendMaxAutoSize custom property specifies the maximum size of the legend container in the report. You can set the LegendMaxAutoSize property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of legend size property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see legend container size in chart report.

Preview of legend container size in chart report in Report Viewer

## Change chart legend shape

The LegendShape custom property allows changing the shape of the legend in the chart report item. By default, the LegendShape value is rectangle.

  • Rectangle - legend shapes displayed in rectangle.
  • Circle - legends are displayed in circle.
  • Thumbnail - legends are displayed in seriestype.

You can set the LegendShape property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of legend shape property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see legend shape in chart report.

Shows configuration of default legend shape property in custom property dialog

## Show or hide chart legend scroller

The EnableChartLegendScroller custom property controls whether legend has to use scrollbar or not. The scrollbar appears depending upon size and position properties of legend. By default, the EnableChartLegendScroller value is false. You can set the EnableChartLegendScroller property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of enabling chart legend scrollbar property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see the legend scrollbar in chart report.

Preview of legend scrollbar in chart report in Report Viewer

Set range padding for X-axis and Y-axis

Padding can be applied to the minimum and maximum extremes of the axis range by using the XAxisRangePadding and YAxisRangePadding property. The default value isnone. Numeric axis supports the following types of padding.

Name Description
Additional Interval of the axis is added as padding to the minimum and maximum values of the range
Normal Padding is applied to the axis based on the range calculation
None Padding cannot be applied to the axis
Round Axis range is rounded to the nearest possible value divided by the interval

You can set the XAxisRangePadding and YAxisRangePadding property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of axis range padding property in custom property dialog

Before setting the range padding, the default value will be displayed as below.

Preview of default range padding in chart report in Report Viewer

Set the padding range and see the changes in chart report as below.

Preview of legend scrollbar in chart report in Report Viewer

Control edge label placement in chart axis

Labels with long text at the edges of an axis may appear partially outside the chart. The XAxisEdgeLabelPlacement and YAxisEdgeLabelPlacement custom property can be used to avoid the partial appearance of the labels at the corners. The default value is none. You can set the XAxisEdgeLabelPlacement property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of axis edge label placement property in custom property dialog

Before setting the edge label placement, the default value will be displayed as below.

Preview of default range padding in chart report in Report Viewer

Set the edge label placement and see the changes in chart report as below.

Preview of legend scrollbar in chart report in Report Viewer

Change the drawing style of a chart column or bar series

The shape of the chart column or bar can be changed using this Drawingstyle custom property. By default, the Drawingstyle property value is rectangle. You can set the Drawingstyle property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of drawingstyle property in custom property dialog

Preview the report and the see the column or bar shape in chart report.

Preview of legend scrollbar in chart report in Report Viewer

Change width of the column type series in chart

Width of the column type series can be customized by using the Pointwidth property. Default value of Pointwidth is 0.7. Value ranges from 0 to 1. Here 1 corresponds to 100% of available width and 0 corresponds to 0% of available width. You can set the Pointwidth property value, as shown in the below.

Shows configuration of pointwidth property in custom property dialog

Before setting the point width, the default value will be displayed as below.

Preview of default point width in chart report in Report Viewer

Preview the report and the see the column width in chart report.

Preview of columnwidth in chart report in Report Viewer