The Signature
report item allows users to add a signature field to reports. This feature enables users to draw, edit, and export signatures, making it useful for reports that require signatures for approvals or acknowledgments.
The Name
property can be used to provide a unique name to the signature item in the report.
The appearance of the signature, including border style, color, width, and background color, which are used to style the signature and customize its appearance in the report design. These options are available under the Appearance
category in the properties panel.
Border properties allow you to add or customize the border around a signature item to visually separate it from other elements in the report design. To set border properties using the properties panel, refer to the Border Properties section.
Using the background color property, you can color the signature background. To set background color using the properties panel, refer to the Background color section.
The position property is used to set the width, height, left and top position of the signature in the report design. For guidance on handling these properties using the properties panel, refer to thePosition section.
The visibility property is used to conditionally show or hide the signature report item during report preview or export actions. To set the visibility of the signature item using the properties panel, refer to the Visibility section.
The tooltip property can be used to display informative text or values when the user hovers over the report item in report preview. To set a tooltip for the signature item using the properties panel, refer to the Tooltip section.
Bookmark links enable users to navigate to different parts of an SSRS report. You can add bookmarks to textboxes, images, tables, charts, or unique group values in a tablix, directing users to specified locations in the report. The value of the bookmark property can be either custom strings or expressions. For more details, refer to the Bookmark section to configure bookmark in the report design.
Static or dynamic text can be set as the value for the bookmark property. For setting and resetting dynamic text, refer to the Set Expression and Reset Expression sections.
The Custom Style
property enables the use of external CSS for styling report items, providing enhanced flexibility beyond the built-in styling options. This property allows you to meet specific design requirements and maintain consistent styling across multiple reports. For a step-by-step guide on setting up custom styles in your report, check the How To section of this guide.
Expressions can be applied to certain properties of the signature report item to process the property values based on expressions. To set expressions for the signature report item properties, refer to the Set Expression section.
To Reset
the expression applied to a property, refer to the Reset Expression section.
Some properties of the signature report item contain nested properties. For information on opening and handling nested properties, refer to the Advanced Properties section.