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Report Explorer

The Report Explorer displays the report structure in a hierarchical view, enabling easy access to select report elements and configure their properties.

Report explorer user interface


To open the Report Explorer, first access the properties panel by clicking the Properties icon. Properties Panel

Now, click the highlighted Report Explorer icon. The Report Explorer popup list will open as shown below. Report Explorer popup list

In the Report Explorer popup list, the report structure is displayed hierarchically. Each report element is denoted by its name and type. In the image below, the image icon and the tag (Image) represent the type of the report item. Logo_Image is the name of the report item. Report explorer hierarchy view

The search option can be used to find a particular report element in the Report Explorer popup list. When you search for a specific report element name, the results are displayed in a parent-child hierarchical manner. Report explorer search behaviour

If no matches are found, a No matches found message will be displayed in the Report Explorer popup list. Report explorer search error

Selecting a report section (Report, Header, Body, Footer) or a report item in the Report Explorer displays its properties in the Properties panel. Selecting report items in Report Explorer

To close the Report Explorer popup list, simply click outside its popup list area.