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Report item resizing

To improve the report readability, we can resize the height and width of the report items in design area.

Resize using resizer

Resize height:

To change the height of the report items , place the mouse pointer in the CenterTop or CenterBottom position of the specific report item selection line.

Use CenterBottom to increase height towards downward direction or to decrease height towards upward direction,

Adjust column width of the table

Use CenterTop to increase height towards upward direction or to decrease height towards downward direction,

Adjust column width of the table

Resize width:

To change the width of the report item , place the mouse pointer in the RightCenter or LeftCenter position of the report item selection line.

Use RightCenter to resize the width outwards or inwards in right side direction,

Adjust column width of the table

Use LeftCenter to resize the width outwards or inwards in left direction,

Adjust column width of the table

Change width and height proportionally:

  1. Select the report item in the design area. Adjust column width of the table
  2. To resize the report item place the mouse pointer in LeftTop or RightTop or LeftBottom or RightBottom position on the report item. Adjust column width of the table
  3. Now, the resizer arrow will be enabled in the respective position. Hold and drag the resizer arrow, now the report item will be resized proportionally in all direction. Adjust column width of the table

Resize using width and height properties

  1. Select a report item, now the respective item properties will be listed in the properties panel. Resize the table column
  2. In the properties panel, modify the Height and Width property of the specific report item. Resize the table column

Resize using keyboard shortcuts

You can resize report item in design surface using the keyboard short-cut keys. Select the report item and use any of the below key combinations to resize the report item.

  • To increase the width of the report item, hold Ctrl + Shift keys or only Shift and press Right Arrow key.

  • To decrease the width of the report item use hold Ctrl + Shift keys or only Shift and press Left Arrow key.

  • To increase the height of the report item use hold Ctrl + Shift keys or only Shift and press Up Arrow key.

  • To decrease the height of the report item use hold Ctrl + Shift keys or only Shift and press Down Arrow key.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys combination increase or decreases the value by 1 point, whereas Shift + Arrow Keys combination increases or decreases the value by 8 points.

To know more about supported keyboard shortcut keys, refer Design report using keyboard shortcuts section.

Using touch resizer

To increase or decrease the width and height using touch resizer, select the report item and hold any of the highlighted points in below snap.

Resize the table column

Then drag towards the required direction in design area.